Music from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Composed and Arranged by Michael Kamen

  1. Opening Titles   4.20
  2. Coma   4.24
  3. Hospital Visit   1.09
  4. 1st Vision-2nd Sight   1.33
  5. Lost Love   1.23
  6. Drowning Vision-Through the Ice   2.46
  7. School Days   2.14
  8. In the Snow-Hope   2.22
  9. Alone   3.57
  10. Political Death   .227
  11. Rally-Meet Your Local Candidate   3.52
  12. Realisation – Destiny   2.15
  13. Death of a Visionary   2.12
  14. Civic Duty & Sacrifice   1.48
  15. The Dead Zone   2.39
  16. Coda to a Coma – The Balcony   2.25

1983 Paramount Pictures

1984 Milan Entertainment, Inc.




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