VIDEODROME ヴィデオドローム(ビデオドローム)
4K UHD BLU-RAY 89分・87分 (1.85:1)
Original lossless mono soundtrack
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
- Audio commentary by Tim Lucas, the on-set correspondent for Cinefantastique Magazine and author of Videodrome: Studies in the Horror Film
- David Cronenberg and the Cinema of the Extreme, a documentary featuring interviews with Cronenberg, George A. Romero and Alex Cox on Cronenberg’s cinema, censorship and the horror genre
- Forging the New Flesh, a documentary by filmmaker Michael Lennick on Videodrome’s video and prosthetic make up effects
- Fear on Film, A round table discussion from 1982 with Cronenberg, John Carpenter, John Landis and Mick Garris
- The complete, uncensored Samurai Dreams footage with commentary by Michael Lennick
- Helmet-Cam Test and Why Betamax?, two featurettes by Michael Lennick on the film’s effects
- The Making of David Cronenberg’s Videodrome, a 1982 featurette by Mick Garris, with behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with Cronenberg, James Woods, Deborah Harry and Rick Baker
- Videoblivion, an interview with cinematographer Mark Irwin
Pierre David on… Videodrome, an interview with executive producer Pierre David - AKA Jack Martin, an interview with Dennis Etchison, author of novelisations of Videodrome and The Fog, discussing Videodrome and his observations of Cronenberg’s script
- Camera, Cronenberg’s short film starring Videodrome’s Les Carlson
- Pirated Signals: The Lost Broadcast, deleted and alternate scenes from the TV version TV版の差し替え箇所を収録(ただしSD素材)。
- Original trailers
- Image gallery
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Gilles Vranckx
HEVC / H.265 (Resolution: 4K / DOLBY VISION / HDR10 compatible) 2022年10月24日発売 RRP: £29.99 UK Arrow Video
クライテリオン版に収録されていたおまけに加え、Pirated Signals: The Lost Broadcast(Syndication長尺版)で通常版とは違う編集で追加された素材(SD画質)が入っていて驚いた。まさかオフィシャルに収録されていたとは。本編が4KHDRと高画質化したおかげで、SD画質が無駄に怪しい素材にみえてしまう。1993年にA&E Screening Roomで放送されたことははっきりしたので、もはや怪しい素材ではなくなったが、監督はどこまで関与したんだろう?